Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Day at Orana Park

Just a few kilometres outside Christchurch, Orana Park has largely escaped damage from the recent major quakes. Its wide spaces afford more room than the average zoo for its inhabitants.

One of the Park's breeding herd of southern white rhinoceros.

Chapman's zebras in their spacious enclosure.

Two of Orana's water buffalo. Despite their name they don't seem inclined to cross the moat bordering their enclosure.

Some of the numerous rainbow trout in the moat.

An up close encounter with one of the Park's breeding herd of endangered Rothschild's giraffes.

The giraffes seem to be a highlight of school visits.

One of the Australian coots that seem to have made the Park their seasonal home.

Like most of the waterways around Christchurch, Orana's streams and moats attract plenty of ducks.

Oriental small-clawed otters taking advantage of the autumn sun.

 The most magnificent of the Park's free-roaming peacocks.

A ring-tailed lemur pauses from grooming his famous tail.

Crossing the bridge from the spider monkey house to their island outdoor area.

A meerkat sentry. While his fellow meerkats busily rummage about, he takes his turn to do what his kind are famous for.

One of Orana's small colony of crested porcupines enjoys the sun.

Happy Orana Park duck.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anzac Dawn Service, Cranmer Square

After last year's ANZAC commemoration in North Hagley Park, as promised this year's ceremony moved a little closer to its old site in Cathedral Square.

On guard at the Cranmer Square cenotaph.


The younger generation. 

Avonside Girls High School Choir.

Saluting the fallen.

Governor-General Sir Jerry Matupaerae.

Anglican Chaplain Lynda Patterson.

Paul O'Connor addresses the gathering.

The New Zealand Army Band.

The naval contingent.

Her Majesty gets a mention.

Singing from the same hymn sheet.

At ease: Burnham Camp commander Colonel Phil McKee.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Seal Playtime at Ohau Creek

A visit to the Ohau Creek walking track and falls north of Kaikoura. During the breeding season it provides a wonderful playground for the pups from the nearby Ohau Point fur seal colony.

Kaikoura shoreline, where the Ohau Creek meets the sea.

Heading upstream, at the point where it starts to get interesting.

Upwards and onwards.

Resting up en route.

Keeping an eye out.

Nearly there.

Seal pup nirvana.

Settling in for playtime.

Top seal.

Getting comfy at the poolside.

Grooming time.

A good scratch . . .

 . . . followed by a snooze.

Group hug for happy seal pups.